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Best Song of 2015

My pick for best song of 2015 is by Buddy Greene: How Can I Keep From Singing   [Verse 1] My life flows on in endless song above earth’s lamentation I hear the sweet, though far off hymn…that hails a new creation [Chorus] No storm can shake my inmost...

God’s Patriots • singing for God and Country

This is a tribute to the singers, sponsors, parents, chaperons and supporters of God’s Patriots at Harris Prairie Church of Christ in Granger, Indiana during 1970-1973. For three years the God’s Patriots youth choir dressed in red, white, and blue and sang...
Lantana attracts Butterflies

Lantana attracts Butterflies

Here in central Florida, it is relatively easy to attract butterflies to your yard. Our backyard butterfly garden includes Jatropha, Hamelia patens (firebush), and three colors of the popular Lantana camara. Once established, Lantanas are quite hardy perennials that...